Chairman Rodgers Submits Letter to the Editor on Voting in the Upcoming Primary

Bluffton, IN – Wells County Republican Party Chairman Zachary Rodgers submitted the following letter to the editor of the Bluffton News-Banner today following recent criticism of the voting measures for the upcoming primary election:

“While I can agree with A.J. Reynolds’s desire to encourage more people to vote in the ongoing primary and upcoming general election, our general agreement from his Letter to the Editor stops there.

“It’s a common partisan talking point from the Democrats to blame Republicans for lower voter turnout. Accusations against the Republican Party for voter suppression have gotten old though. Let’s be clear: the people mentioned in his letter that “wouldn’t be able to vote otherwise” can actually vote in a number of different ways. Registered voters, previous to this pandemic, which I will admit has thrown this primary campaign season for a loop, have numerous ways to vote. There are 30 days of early voting in the courthouse plus multiple Saturdays at vote centers. Add in the fact that those working during the hours of voting (election day or early voting), out of the country (i.e. military), out of state (i.e. snowbirds), etc. all have the ability to vote by absentee mail-in ballots. We even send a crew out from the clerk’s office to nursing home facilities and homes for folks to vote via the “Travel Board.” Oh yes, plus election day for 12 hours.

“I am not averse to increasing the number of those voting by mail-in ballots. Given the no-fault absentee by-mail policy suggested and approved by our Governor and the Election Board — which allows any voter to vote by mail for any reason — we will see a huge increase in voters utilizing this process. This absolutely, positively should not be the new norm. Mail-in only voting provides too many opportunities for voter fraud. Sorry, but we must have safe and secure elections.  This pandemic will cause us to shift for the 2020 primary but I believe it should return to the same process starting with the November general election.  Let me be clear though; safety absolutely comes first.

“I want the absolute highest number of voters to be able to have their voice heard. Thankfully, Wells County has done a good job at that. We’re even better when you compare us within the state. Do I wish that even more people would take the time to educate themselves on candidates, engage in the political process, and show up to vote? Absolutely. The Wells County Republican Party has taken that to heart over the years, and we saw a record turnout in our 2019 Bluffton Municipal Election. Thankfully, voters have a great number of ways in which to vote — whether it be during this national pandemic or any other election year.”
