Statement on 2019 Election Outcomes

Bluffton, IN – The Wells County Republican Party released the following statement regarding the outcomes of the 2019 municipal elections held today:

“The Wells County Republican Party is proud of its candidates that took a step forward to lead the charge this year in Wells County municipal elections. We are pleased with the results of today’s elections. The voters reaffirmed that Wells County will remain one of the most conservative counties in the state. 

“The successful efforts of our candidates is the very reason that the City of Bluffton will be under the leadership of Republicans beginning on January 1, 2020. The party would like to congratulate those who were successful in their races today. Our next Mayor, John Whicker, will be the leading force for our Parlor City. Tami Runyon and Bob Bate will continue to shine in their roles as Clerk-Treasurer and City Judge. Bluffton’s City Council will now be led by a Republican majority with Rick Elwell, Roger Thornton, Josh Hunt, Janella Stronczek, and Scott Mentzer.

“In Ossian, we would like to congratulate Republican Clerk-Treasurer Erika Allison on re-election and newly-elected Town Council Member Athena Brickley. To everyone that helped make these Republican victories possible, thank you. We look forward to many more victories in 2020!”
